Product photography prices can be dependent on various factors, such as the photographer’s experience, the location of the photo shoot, and how many products are being photographed. An amateur product photographer may charge between $30 and $80 per hour, while a professional product photographer could charge anywhere from $150 to $500 per hour. Most product photography rates usually fall somewhere in the middle, between $30-$500 per hour.
Product Photography Pricing Per Photo

As a product photographer, you can normally charge anywhere from $20 to $50 per product. However, the cost of product photography per product will depend on the total number of products being photographed. For example, you may charge $100 for 1 to 5 photos but if the amount is more than 100+, you could charge around $1000. If you are based in an European country, you can set your product photography budget in Euro Currency.
It’s also important to keep in mind that high volume product photo shoots often qualify for discounts. Additionally, setting up equipment for product photography and placing products takes approximately the same amount of time whether you’re photographing 5 products or 100 products. Therefore, when a client hires you for product photography, it’s important to know the total amount beforehand so that you can fix the budget accordingly.
Product Photography Pricing by Hourly

Professional photographers usually charge around $150 per hour, while beginner or student photographers may charge closer to $50 per hour. Your pricing could also be more or less based on the photographer’s skill level and the client’s brand. If you’re working with a small business owner, than $150 per hour is a good price for product photography.
However, if you’re approached by a popular brand like Nike, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Chanel, or Adidas, you should charge more since they usually only work with experienced photographers.
How many pictures should be expected from a 1 hour shoot?
Product Photography Pricing per Day
Product photographers usually charge between $400 and $3,000 per day, depending on the type of product, their experience, and the amount of editing required.
Product Photographer pricing per Monthly

How much tax will you have to pay as a Product Photographer?
Product Photographer Salary(yearly)

On average, a product photographer can expect to earn $33,308 per year. However, earnings can range from $10,086 to $167,015 per year, depending on experience and other factors. Additionally, product photographers may receive additional pay in the form of bonuses, commissions, tips, and profit sharing.
How do you book clients for product photography?
Having a website is a great way to showcase your product photography portfolio and act as an e-commerce platform to sell your services. However, in order for your website to be visible to potential customers, you need to hire a freelance SEO specialist or agency to improve your local SEO.
By doing local SEO for your business, you will increase the visibility of your website in search engines for people who search for product photographers in your city. Creating a beautiful website and improving your local SEO will cost around $500-$700. However, this is a great investment as there is a huge potential to get new clients through this method.
How much should I charge for product photography as a beginner?
As a beginner in product photography, you can charge anywhere from $10 to $20 per product image, or around $50 per hour. Keep in mind that the quality of your product photography should be comparable to that of a professional photographer – this will help increase your rates in future projects.
Is product photography hard?
Product photography is neither easy nor difficult; However, it does require the correct tools, lighting, and space to produce high-quality product images. In addition, basic photo editing skills are necessary to make the image presentable for an online shopping site. If you don’t have time or skills for Photo Editing, consider outsourcing the task to a professional Photo Editing Company.
Is product photography in demand?
Product photography is in high demand within the e-commerce industry as businesses need to showcase their products online. Product photos are essential for online shops. So, the product photography is a crucial subject for every online business. This is why The demand for product photography is increasing day by day.
how much to charge for corporate photography?
A corporate photographer typically charges $100-$300 per hour or $50-$400 per image. The final price depends on factors like their experience, how many pictures you need, and where the photos will be taken.
How much should a photographer charge per Photo?
As a product photographer, you can charge anywhere from $30 to $150 per image. The price will depend on the complexity of the image and the amount of editing required. On average, product photo editing costs around $80 per hour and $5 per image. However, you can also outsource your photo editing to a professional clipping path company which will likely be cheaper in the long run.
In conclusion, the cost of product photography can vary greatly based on several factors such as the photographer’s experience, the location of the photo shoot, and the number of products being photographed.
An amateur product photographer may charge between $30 and $80 per hour, while a professional product photographer could charge anywhere from $150 to $500 per hour. Additionally, the cost of product photography per product can range from $20 to $50, but this can also depend on the total number of products being photographed.